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Toec Client not joining domain

  • Hi
    I am facing issue with joining domain after imaging using Toec client.
    I have configured Toec with domain user and enabled the policy in the group to join domain
    but it is not happening and in below log it say " Could Not Obtain Credentials To Join The Domain."

    kindly what could be the issue?

    Thank you,

    2021-06-29 10:56:24,350 INFO [31] ServiceTriggerAction - Manual Checkin Request Received
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,352 INFO [31] ServiceTriggerAction - Checking For Checkin Policies
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,571 INFO [31] PolicyExecutor - Executing Policy c16d404d-9bbf-4e23-a5e2-974af49d9ca9 (Lab 3.47)
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,573 DEBUG [31] PolicyExecutor - Evaluating Conditions For Lab 3.47
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,574 DEBUG [31] PolicyExecutor - No Conditions Found For Module
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,580 DEBUG [31] ApiRequest - ProvisionedComm/Policy/GetDomainJoinCredentials/
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,678 ERROR [31] ApiRequest - Invalid Reponse, Signature Missing: ProvisionedComm/Policy/GetDomainJoinCredentials/
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,681 DEBUG [31] ServiceDomain - Could Not Obtain Credentials To Join The Domain.
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,683 ERROR [31] PolicyRunner - Aborting Current Policy
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,685 INFO [31] PolicyRunner - Policies Complete. Starting Policy Cleanup.
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,687 INFO [31] PolicyRunner - Submitting Policy Results
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,689 INFO [31] PolicyRunner - Completed Submitting Policy Results
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,691 INFO [31] PolicyRunner - Cleaning Policy Cache
    2021-06-29 10:56:24,693 INFO [31] ServiceTriggerAction - Trigger Action: Checkin. Complete.

  • Did you set the enableimpersonationaccess to true in the toec-api web.config?

  • @theopenem_admin

    I did not enable it ,the value set to false

    Thank you