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Stuck on "Creating Image Schema" during upload

  • Hi all,

    Not sure if this is allowed or not, but figured I'd ask - I'm using CloneDeploy, not Theopenem as I'm using a Linux-based system (Is Theopenem available for a Linux host?). I did find a thread with someone who had the same issue in both CD and TOM but they never posted a solution (here).

    When I start an upload task (for a Windows image created in a VM), whether from the web interface or on demand from a computer, it just hangs at "Creating Image Schema". In the tasks it shows up at Status "3" (not sure what this means) with no other information - no percentage, time remaining, etc. No logs show up for this either. I've tried leaving it running over the weekend with no change. Deploying works with no issue.

    If anyone has any suggestions I'd be grateful for the help!

  • Your best option is to move to FOG if your looking to run on Linux. CloneDeploy is over 3 years old at this point and Theopenem has no plans to run on Linux.

  • @theopenem_admin Yeah, thanks. I've been looking at FOG and it seems like it'll work nicely.