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I can not see or add any endpoints to a group (Fixed/Closed)

  • I have followed the video tutorial but can not add or dynamically add members to a group. I have approved and do see the computers in the "computers" tab. I am using windows server2016 in a ESXi VM.

    2023-09-05 11:50:21,952 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - The Request Was Unauthorized ProvisionedComm/Provision/ConfirmProvisionRequest/
    2023-09-05 11:50:52,124 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - The Request Was Unauthorized ProvisionedComm/Provision/ConfirmProvisionRequest/
    2023-09-05 11:51:22,265 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - The Request Was Unauthorized ProvisionedComm/Provision/ConfirmProvisionRequest/
    2023-09-05 11:51:52,406 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - The Request Was Unauthorized ProvisionedComm/Provision/ConfirmProvisionRequest/
    2023-09-05 11:52:22,546 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - The Request Was Unauthorized ProvisionedComm/Provision/ConfirmProvisionRequest/
    2023-09-05 11:52:52,687 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - The Request Was Unauthorized ProvisionedComm/Provision/ConfirmProvisionRequest/
    2023-09-05 11:53:22,828 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - The Request Was Unauthorized ProvisionedComm/Provision/ConfirmProvisionRequest/```

  • @deathraymind Double checked this video to be sure the certificates were installed in the correct place https://youtu.be/v213zRQTOFY?si=_ZMni6fO1dL4U3dm&t=1323 and they werent so i fixed it. The client logs now say this ```2023-09-05 11:53:59,375 INFO [4] ServiceTriggerAction - Checking For Startup Policies
    2023-09-05 11:54:00,032 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - No Policies For Trigger Startup Were Found For This Computer
    2023-09-05 11:54:00,032 INFO [4] ServiceTriggerAction - Check In Time Set To 60
    2023-09-05 11:54:00,032 INFO [4] ServiceTriggerAction - Trigger Action: Startup. Complete.

    And the computer shows as provisioned. 
    I then followed the second video and it now shows in the group.