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TOEC unstable to connect to server

  • Hello! I'm setting up a new environment, and I'm having an issue deploying TOEC. After installing on the clients, it isn't connecting to the server. I ran it in the terminal, and got the following output:

    PS C:\Program Files\Toec> .\Toec.exe --console
    2023-10-19 08:54:43,728 INFO [1] Host ****\**** - Starting Toec Service
    Toec Running
    Press [Enter] to Exit.
    2023-10-19 08:54:44,009 INFO [4] ServiceInitialize ****\**** - Toec Version:
    2023-10-19 08:54:46,092 ERROR [4] ServiceInitialize ****\**** - Database Access Failed.  Service Cannot Continue.  Exiting....
    2023-10-19 08:54:46,092 ERROR [4] ServiceInitialize ****\**** - An exception occurred while initializing the database. See the InnerException for details.

  • Nevermind, it fixed itself.