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Setting Up Theopenem Issues

  • Hey guys,

    I'm new to Theopenem and was hoping someone could help me out with some errors I'm getting.
    So first, my config:
    Windows Server 2019 Standard
    This Server is the AD/DNS/DHCP and also was the WDS
    I'm logged in with the Domain Administrator account.
    Using MariaDB that came with the latest Theopenem Installer.
    There are also othe SQL Database servers loaded like MsSQL 2017
    Due to issues with WDS I was looking for alternatives and stumbled upon Theopenem.
    I Installed Theopenem and began setting it up as per the guide from the website. I went to the part where I need to create the Comserver and while the creation of a Com server goes OK, the next step (Imaging Settings) gives "Unknows Exceptions" when I click on Updte server.
    Also once a Comserver is created, I can't remove it... It says 0 comservers removed every time.
    I'm attaching my Application and frontend logs
    FrontEnd.log Application.log
    Hopefully someone would be able to help out.

    Best Regards,