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Error in deploy image via TOEC

  • The system begin with the booting and start the winpe process,

    after some scripts I got this error:

    PartitionNumber DriveLetter Offset Size Type
    --------------- ----------- ------ ---- ----
    1 1048576 100 MB System
    2 105906176 16 MB Reserved
    3 C 122683392 233.84 GB Basic
    4 251209449472 500 MB Recovery
    5 251733737472 1000 MB Recovery
    6 D 252782313472 524 MB Recovery
    7 253331767296 2.54 GB Recovery
    ** Processing Hard Drive 0
    Get hd_schema: profileId=8&clientHdNumber=0&newHdSize=256060514304&schemaHds=&clientLbs=0
    {"Message":"An error has occurred."}
    ** An Error Has Occurred **
    ...... Unknown Error Occurred While Determining Minimum HD Size Required. Check The Exception Log

    in PXE boot settings i have choosen PXE-Bootloader: winpe_efi64

    did someone know why this happen?