Black Screen After Grub Selection (with a twist)
I'm having the LIE boot issue where the screen goes black after selecting TheOpenEM from the Grub menu. I do have the SecureBoot slider turned off for ISO creation and all the SecureBoot related BIOS settings are disabled.
I tried booting several other Linux live distros and was able to. So I don't think it is a SecureBoot issue.
This is on a Dell 5960. Any suggestions on what to try next?
@disneyd7 I ran into this a little while back on some Latitude 5540s. I never found out why - not enough time. I used the instructions from TOEM's documentation to build a Windows Imaging Environment and have been using that ever since.
Same here on new machines, we are looking at the WIE (tests work as expected) as well, but compared to the LIE it's huge as far as PXE booting. I figure this is a Linux kernal issue, but just a guess.