Upload / Deploy Direct to SMB - Could Not Mount SMB Share
We are experiencing trouble with getting this feature functioning properly. The Storage Location is functioning as Images are replicating to the SMB Share, but we are not sure why the SMB Share is not mounting after enabling the Upload / Deploy Direct to SMB feature. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have any error messages?
I'm assuming you mean it won't mount from the imaging client?
Yes, it is throwing the following:
** An Error Has Occurred **
....... Could Not Mount SMB Share.Application.log showing :
2022-07-25 10:36:54,537 [24] ERROR Toems_Service.FilesystemServices Failed to connect to \server\TOEM_images
LastError = 87 -
can you post a screenshot of your storage settings?
Seems normal, how about the upload log?
Imaging logs
Thanks! I am receiving the following from the Imaging Logs:
** Mounting SMB Share **
...... Connecting To //server/TOEMS_SMB
mount: bad address 'server'
mount: mounting //server/TOEMS_SMB on /storage failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
mount: bad address 'server'
mount: mounting //server/TOEMS_SMB on /storage failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
mount: bad address 'server'
mount: mounting //server/TOEMS_SMB on /storage failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
mount: bad address 'server'
mount: mounting //server/TOEMS_SMB on /storage failed: Resource temporarily unavailable...... Could Not Mount SMB Share
** An Error Has Occurred **
...... Could Not Mount SMB Share.
I guess it is an issue with the domain name since if I enter the IP of the server it operates properly?
Sounds like a dns issue then. Are you using the same dhcp server that you used in production? Also, maybe you need the full server.domain fqdn for some reason.
Okay, I will check these two items out. I appreciate your help with putting me on the correct track, and also for adding this ability last year! Thanks!!