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  • Hello. After imaging completes, Toec fails to join domain. However, after fail, forcing a check in works.

    2023-01-11 11:57:55,948 DEBUG [4] PolicyExecutor - Evaluating Conditions For Join Domain
    2023-01-11 11:57:55,964 DEBUG [4] PolicyExecutor - No Conditions Found For Module
    2023-01-11 11:57:55,995 DEBUG [4] ApiRequest - ProvisionedComm/Policy/GetDomainJoinCredentials/
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,145 ERROR [4] ApiRequest - Invalid Reponse, Signature Missing: ProvisionedComm/Policy/GetDomainJoinCredentials/
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,145 DEBUG [4] ServiceDomain - Could Not Obtain Credentials To Join The Domain.
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,161 ERROR [4] PolicyRunner - Aborting All Remaining Policies
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,161 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Policies Complete.  Starting Policy Cleanup.
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,161 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Submitting Policy Results
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,192 DEBUG [4] ApiRequest - ProvisionedComm/Policy/AddHistory/
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,416 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Completed Submitting Policy Results
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,416 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Cleaning Policy Cache
    2023-01-11 11:57:56,431 INFO [4] ServiceTriggerAction - Check In Time Set To 60

    After forced check in.

    2023-01-11 11:57:56,431 INFO [4] ServiceTriggerAction - Trigger Action: Startup. Complete.
    2023-01-11 12:05:32,935 INFO [30] ServiceTriggerAction - Manual Checkin Request Received
    2023-01-11 12:05:32,935 INFO [30] ServiceTriggerAction - Checking For Checkin Policies
    2023-01-11 12:05:33,278 INFO [30] PolicyExecutor - Executing Policy 9aff4a1a-26d0-4568-b897-25108e600b8d (Join Domain)
    2023-01-11 12:05:33,278 DEBUG [30] PolicyExecutor - Evaluating Conditions For Join Domain
    2023-01-11 12:05:33,278 DEBUG [30] PolicyExecutor - No Conditions Found For Module
    2023-01-11 12:05:33,305 DEBUG [30] ApiRequest - ProvisionedComm/Policy/GetDomainJoinCredentials/
    2023-01-11 12:05:33,463 INFO [30] ServiceDomain - Joining Domain 
    2023-01-11 12:05:33,479 DEBUG [30] ServiceDomain - Username: 
    2023-01-11 12:05:33,479 DEBUG [30] ServiceDomain - OU: 
    2023-01-11 12:05:49,595 INFO [30] ServiceDomain - Successfully Joined Domain

  • This is a strange one. I wonder if it's just a timing issue. Do you use sysprep or setupcomplete.cmd ?

  • @theopenem_admin Didn't use either. If it's dependent on this then yes it's my issue. I will test again with it syspreped.

  • It's not dependent on that, just getting an idea of your workflow.

  • @theopenem_admin I have a Windows 11 Education VM. I installed Toec and issued Toec.exe --prepareImage command in powershell. Placed unattend.xml sysprep file in C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep. I left it in audit mode. I know, it's sloppy, but I was just testing.