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Help with a policy & module.

  • Hello.

    I have a problem with software module & policy that are configured to install a program called double commander trough msi installer.
    theOpenem tells that installation was a success but the program never actually gets installed on a remote machine.


    There are no additional arguments besides the basic /q /norestart.

    The msi file is: doublecmd-1.0.11.x86_64-win64.msi
    This is the policy:

    {"Name":"Install Double Commander - Export","Description":"Install Double Commander - Export","Instructions":"","Requirements":"","Guid":"5ac300a9-506b-4b47-951e-0054e523c4e3","Hash":null,"Frequency":1,"Trigger":0,"SubFrequency":0,"CompletedAction":0,"RemoveInstallCache":true,"ExecutionType":0,"ErrorAction":0,"IsInventory":0,"IsLoginTracker":false,"IsApplicationMonitor":false,"FrequencyMissedAction":0,"LogLevel":0,"SkipServerResult":false,"CommandModules":[],"FileCopyModules":[],"PrinterModules":[],"ScriptModules":[],"SoftwareModules":[{"DisplayName":"Install Double Commander","Command":"doublecmd-1.0.11.x86_64-win64.msi","Arguments":" ","AdditionalArguments":"/q /norestart","Order":0,"Timeout":0,"RedirectOutput":false,"RedirectError":false,"InstallType":0,"SuccessCodes":"0,1641,3010","UploadedFiles":[{"FileName":"doublecmd-1.0.11.x86_64-win64.msi","Md5Hash":"a9aed79f30318a8464b75d6b3420392f","ModuleGuid":"7de1ef30-7d71-49ba-a132-e1f97ac0a0ae"}],"ExternalFiles":[],"Description":"install (silently) | doublecmd-1.0.11.x86_64-win64.msi","Guid":"7de1ef30-7d71-49ba-a132-e1f97ac0a0ae","ConditionFailedAction":0,"ConditionNextOrder":0,"Condition":null}],"WuModules":[],"MessageModules":[],"WuType":0,"ConditionFailedAction":0,"Condition":null}

    Appreciated any help.
    Love your software! Thank you for letting us use it for free!

  • @adminhg Hi,
    Did you look at the log?
    In C:\Program Files\Toec\logservice.log

  • @cycy
    maybe this can help. I don't quite understand the error.

    2023-11-29 08:31:07,998 INFO [4] PolicyExecutor - Executing Policy 5ac300a9-506b-4b47-951e-0054e523c4e3 (Install Double Commander)
    2023-11-29 08:31:07,999 DEBUG [4] PolicyExecutor - Evaluating Conditions For Install Double Commander
    2023-11-29 08:31:07,999 DEBUG [4] PolicyExecutor - No Conditions Found For Module
    2023-11-29 08:31:08,005 DEBUG [4] PolicyExecutor - Evaluating Conditions For Install Double Commander
    2023-11-29 08:31:08,005 DEBUG [4] PolicyExecutor - No Conditions Found For Module
    2023-11-29 08:31:08,007 INFO [4] ModuleSoftwareManager - Running Software Module: Install Double Commander
    2023-11-29 08:31:08,010 DEBUG [4] ServiceProcess - Starting Command: msiexec.exe  /i  "C:\Program Files\Toec\AppData\7de1ef30-7d71-49ba-a132-e1f97ac0a0ae\doublecmd-1.0.11.x86_64-win64.msi"   /q /norestart
    2023-11-29 08:31:09,671 INFO [4] ModuleSoftwareManager - {"ExitCode":0,"StandardError":"","StandardOut":""}
    2023-11-29 08:31:09,672 INFO [4] ModuleSoftwareManager - Software Module: Install Double CommanderFinished
    2023-11-29 08:31:09,672 INFO [4] PolicyExecutor - Finished Executing Policy 5ac300a9-506b-4b47-951e-0054e523c4e3 (Install Double Commander)
    2023-11-29 08:31:09,673 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Policies Complete.  Starting Policy Cleanup.
    2023-11-29 08:31:09,674 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Submitting Policy Results
    2023-11-29 08:31:09,731 DEBUG [4] ApiRequest - ProvisionedComm/Policy/AddHistory/
    2023-11-29 08:31:10,086 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Completed Submitting Policy Results
    2023-11-29 08:31:10,088 INFO [4] PolicyRunner - Cleaning Policy Cache

    tray.log service.log

  • @adminhg Check Program files for Doublecmd
    There's no error, you've got a 0 return, so it's OK.
    Add ADDLOCAL=ALL or ALLUSERS=2 as parameters

  • @cycy

    it seems that double-commander msi installer simply unpacks it's files in to C:\Program Files\Double Commander\
    I does not create shortcuts or registry entries. I doesn't show in the "installed apps" or "Programs and features" section of control panel.
    That's why i was lost.

    thank you very much for your assistance.