Theopenem and DHCP service on the same Windows Server?

  • Hello,
    First of all, thank you for this amazing tool! I'm just getting started, and I'm loving it.

    I'm running into issues with PXE booting however. We use Windows Servers for DHCP, and one of the prime candidates to host Theopenem long-term is also a DHCP server. I've set options 66 (IP of itself) and 67 (pxeboot.0) but the clients won't boot. I get "NBP filesize is 0 Bytes" and "PXE-E07: Network device error". At first I thought maybe having Theopenem and DHCP on the same server is impossible, but then I tried disabling the DHCP service on that server (running it from another server), setting the same 66 and 67 options, but I get the same errors and no booting.

    For clarification, we have a segmented network, and the clients reside in a different subnet to the DCHP servers. When I set the Meraki router to run DHCP instead (not forwarding to the servers), I can set a boot server and file there and it works perfectly.

    What am I missing? Any pointers will be appreciated.

    Thank you!

  • It's difficult to say without knowing more about your network. Theopenem can be installed on the same server as DHCP as long as you are not using Theopenem as a DHCP server with the pre-installed Tftpd32, which it sounds like you aren't. As long as your clients can reach the ip of your Theopenem server it should be working.

  • @theopenem_admin thanks for the reply!

    As far as DHCP serving goes, we're using the DHCP server role - so not Tftp32/64.
    The clients get a DHCP lease when PXE booting, so the DHCP service works. And that also means that the clients can reach the IP of the Theopenem server, as it is the same as the DHCP server they get their lease from.

    There are no firewall rules applied to traffic between the client and server subnets. And when I set the boot options in the router rather than on the Windows DHCP service, the clients PXE boot just fine, which would indicate that they indeed can reach the Theopenem server. It is only if I use the Windows DHCP service, no matter on which server it is hosted, that the clients fail to boot.

    What other details of the network would be helpful for you to know?

  • Ok, I've found the issue. For some reason I've forgotten to set a 'Router' option for the DHCP scope (test environement luckily). So the client got an IP address alright, but had no way to talk to the server therafter.

    Problem solved. Thank you for engaging though!