Kernel Download issues
I am unable to download Kernels at the moment. Is something up with the site, or is it something on my end? If it it's not the site, please let me know what to look at on my end. I get that error no matter which one I click on.
Nothing wrong with the site. You probably don't need to download a kernel, the default is usually good enough. What's in your exception logs?
I jumped the gun on this one. I'm sorry. I had to redo the server due to an equipment issue, and in my haste, I skipped the last 2 steps in configuring the web.config file for the Toec-API. Once I got those in, it works like a charm. There was no default kernel available. Now there is.
Hi Theopenem Support,
I'm having trouble with the kernel. I have installed TheopenEM 1.5.2. When I try to create the USB PEX/Boot, I don't see any Kernel. And when I try to open the Kernel on Settings, I get the errors attached.
From the server itself:
From a remote connection:
Any Idea how to fix it?