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  • These keep showing up


    in our Imaging Tasks, which causes our team to encounter Queue full errors. I'm not sure if we're doing something wrong to make those tasks show up, or doing something wrong to make them go away when we're done or something doesn't work.

    Happy to change our procedure, if we know what to change 🙂

  • Are these tasks finishing? They will close themselves after imaging is complete, otherwise they will close themselves after 15 minutes of inactivity.

  • @theopenem_admin They don't seem to be doing either. I've not been monitoring them as they're starting, but I believe this might be tied to the error that we're getting trying to deploy images on some machines. I was about to create a separate issue for that, but I'll mention it here. Several of our on-demand deploy tasks fail at ...... Unknown Error Occured While Determining Minimum HD Size Required. I think they're creating a task that neither starts or finishes, and they just hang around until I remove them.