No hard detected for deployment

  • I am able to boot to my TheOpenEm server. I log in fine using my USB drive. I have the latest version of the boot as well as all the updates to the server. When I select the image I want to deploy it starts and within a few seconds fails with the error of "No hard drive detected." I am trying to image a Dell Optiplex 3000 micro computer. It has a SSD. Any ideas?

  • You probably need the raid drivers imported into your winpe or you can change the bios mode from raid to ahci

  • @theopenem_admin I checked the raid configuration. It is currently set to RAID. I made the change and I get past the error message I was seeing. No once it starts the image is errors out when it starts writing the image file. The error message flashes so quickly I can't read it.

  • @theopenem_admin do you recommend a particular procedure to add the dell drivers? I've seen several online. Does one version work best for TheOpenem server environment?

  • The driver wouldn't matter if you switched to ahci. Can you attach your deploy log?

  • In the past I have been able to pull the usb drive out after the image starts but this time it looked like it was accessing the USB drive. When I pulled the usb it crashed. What has changed from the imaging process I am familiar with? Here is the log:

    WinPE Version:


    System Architecture:


    EFI Enabled / Secure Boot Enabled

    ** Looking For Active Task For .3HLPKQ3.4C4C4544-0048-4C10-8050-B3C04F4B5133 **


    ...... This Computer Was Not Found

    ** Looking For Active Task For 00:BE:43:E4:E6:46.3HLPKQ3.4C4C4544-0048-4C10-8050-B3C04F4B5133 **


    ...... This Computer Was Not Found

    ** Looking For Active Task For **

    {"Message":"An error has occurred."}

    ...... This Computer Was Not Found

    ** Looking For Active Task For 00:BE:43:E4:E6:46 **


    ...... This Computer Was Not Found

    ** Using On Demand Mode **

    ** Looking For Model Match Task For OptiPlex 3000 **

    This Computer Is Not Registered. No Active Web Tasks Were Found For This Computer. Starting Registration.

    No Active Web Tasks Were Found For This Computer. Starting On Demand Imaging.

    image_name=Windows11_v1 OS Only

    ...... Success

    ** Looking For Hard Drive(s) **

    ** Displaying Available Devices **

    Number Friendly Name Serial Number HealthStatus OperationalStatus Total Size Partition


    0 KBG40ZNS25... 0100_0000_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04... Healthy Online 238.47 GB GPT

    1 USB 2.0 Fl... 5 Healthy Online 3.75 GB GPT

    ...... Found 1 Drives

    ** Displaying Current Partition Table On 0

    DiskPath: \?\scsi#disk&ven_nvme&prod_kbg40zns256g_nvm#5&12dec07d&0&000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}

    PartitionNumber DriveLetter Offset Size Type

    1 1048576 450 MB Recovery

    2 472907776 99 MB System

    3 576716800 16 MB Reserved

    4 593494016 237.92 GB Basic

    ** Processing Hard Drive 0

    Get hd_schema: profileId=29&clientHdNumber=0&newHdSize=256060514304&schemaHds=&clientLbs=0


    ...... HD Meets The Minimum Sized Required

    ** Creating A Standard Windows Partition Layout **

    Microsoft DiskPart version 10.0.19041.1

    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.

    On computer: MININT-UFM11LK


    Disk 0 is now the selected disk.


    DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.


    0 percent completed

    100 percent completed

    DiskPart successfully formatted the volume.


    DiskPart successfully assigned the drive letter or mount point.


    DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.


    DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.


    DiskPart successfully shrunk the volume by: 500 MB


    0 percent completed

    100 percent completed

    DiskPart successfully formatted the volume.


    DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.


    0 percent completed

    100 percent completed

    DiskPart successfully formatted the volume.


    DiskPart successfully assigned the drive letter or mount point.


    DiskPart successfully set the partition ID.


    DiskPart successfully assigned the attributes to the selected GPT partition.


    ** New Partition Table Is **

    DiskPath: \?\scsi#disk&ven_nvme&prod_kbg40zns256g_nvm#5&12dec07d&0&000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}

    PartitionNumber DriveLetter Offset Size Type

    1 1048576 260 MB System

    2 273678336 16 MB Reserved

    3 290455552 237.72 GB Basic

    4 R 255535874048 500 MB Recovery

    @{Compression=; EfiBootLoader=; FileSystem=NTFS; Guid={2155651f-ea02-4f2f-9ae9-800eeafc1dc5}; ImageType=; Number=3; PartcloneFileSystem=; Prefix=; Type=Basic; Uuid=; VolumeGroup=}

    ** Starting Image Download For Hard Drive 0 Partition 3
    Set-Partition : The requested access path is already in use.

    Activity ID: {be411905-9e02-4ad8-8296-1d0b71103210}

    At X:\wie_deploy.ps1:182 char:5

    • Set-Partition -DiskNumber $($hardDrive.Number) -PartitionNumber $ ...

    • CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/..._StorageCmdlets) [Set-Partition], CimExce


    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 42002,Set-Partition

    curl.exe -sSk -H Authorization:MkNFRDBFREQ0MEVBNDJCRDlDM0I4NkUxMjk1MUVCNDZCQjAzNjYzREEwRkM0NzM3OTlGOTU4OTkyNkI2QkIwNw== --data "profileId=29&hdNumber=0&fileName=part3.winpe.wim" | wimapply - 1 😄

    [WARNING] Ignoring named data streams of 1 files



    [WARNING] Extracting 65636 hard links as independent files

    [WARNING] Ignoring reparse data of 87 files

    [WARNING] Ignoring Windows NT security descriptors of 300993 files

    [WARNING] Ignoring extended attributes of 37750 files

    [WARNING] Ignoring object IDs of 25 files

    [WARNING] Ignoring DOS names of 290506 files

    [ERROR] Can't create directory "C:\Windows\servicing\LCU\Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~22000.258.1.5\amd64_microsoft-onecore-q..ions-core.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.22000.184_hr-hr_d28d71db232b4ea8\f" (status=c000000e): A device which does not exist was specified
    ERROR: Exiting with error code 37:
    Failed to create a directory.

    ** Closing Active Task **

  • Do you see anything in the log files that might help me?

  • @dannyneunan said in No hard detected for deployment:

    ** Starting Image Download For Hard Drive 0 Partition 3
    Set-Partition : The requested access path is already in use.

    This is probably the issue, but not sure why. Is it working fine on other models?

  • @theopenem_admin yes this image works fine on other models. I tried using another image file to put on this new machine and they all fail. Could it be something with my deploy profile?

  • Here is the configuration of the deploy profile for that image. 40320449-27e6-48b0-9eac-3efbea380cbe-image.png

  • I believe I figured it out. When I changed the bios settings to AHCI it blew out the boot manager configuration. Once I loaded an operating system back on it from a usb drive and tried again with the AHCI it appears to be working. I'll give you a final report if it finishes without any problem. Stay tuned.

  • It imaged fine after I got the boot manager back into the bios.

  • In that case you should probably just add the driver to your winpe so you can leave it on raid. This is the latest driver from intel

    Just download the zip, extract it and put it in your winpe/optional/drivers folder and rebuild winpe

  • @theopenem_admin do you mean I should drop the drivers in this exact location? I just want to confirm before I proceed.

  • Yeah. You can put them in a sub folder also to keep them organized. The rapid storage driver has many versions depending on your processor generation. I put all of them in my winpe image. Then just rebuild winpe.

  • @theopenem_admin setting it back to RAID does not work in any configuration. I am able to get an image to take but on the reboot it never loads and crashes.


  • That's because your image doesn't have the needed drivers on it.

  • @theopenem_admin So I need to boot from the new SuperISO file I just created with the drivers added and then upload my universal image again?

  • So I tried updating my image and tried to use the latest SuperISO bootable disk to upload to my openem server. The imaging process starts fine but finishes in like 60 seconds. I know that is not log enough. When I go to the server this is what I see.


    What am I missing here?

  • Any suggestions? I'm kinda dead in the water at the moment. Thanks