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Multiple Com Server DONT pick the right imaging interface

  • Hello,

    i configured 2 com servers in the default cluster.

    when the pc boot from pxe, it goes to the server that i configured in the dhcp (the closest one) - this is ok
    after its start to upload and looking for imaging server, its trying to connect to the active server and when there is no connection its trying to connect to the passive, and its success...

    after that its start uploading by runing the udp-reciever.exe but its took the wrong interface imaging server ip, its took the active one but there is no access to it from this network so its stuck on the 2.34%..

    So my problem is, if its success to connect the passive server and in the logs (multicast) of the passive server i see the good interfaceip, whay in the upload process its trying to send the data to the active interface ip?

    Multicast Log (passive server):
    cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files\Theopenem\Toec-API\private\apps\udp-receiver.exe" --portbase 9010 --interface --file D:\toems_local_storage\images\test8\hd0\part1.imager.lz4

  • Must be a bug with multicasting to a different com server. I'll look into it.

  • @theopenem_admin
    ok thanks
    waiting for update 🙂

  • This is now fixed in 1.5.0.