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  • We just upgraded our instance to 1.5.0, and we've found a couple of issues.

    1. Software groups and reports based on Application name + version are broken. As a simple example:
    Application name LIKE Toec%
    And Application version <

    should return only the computers with Toec still on 1.4.5, but is returning all computers (with Toec).
    Our dynamic groups based on computer model + bios version don't appear to be affected.
    I've disabled our software deployment policies temporarily because they otherwise are targeting incorrect computers.

    1. The generated QR code for MFA has non-working parameters. The URI shows period=60 and algorithm=SHA512, but I could only get it to validate after changing them to period=30 and algorithm=SHA1 (same as leaving them off). Otherwise, it gives an error "Could Not Verify Code.".

    2. This was pretty minor overall, but our server CPU usage pegged out until most of the clients updated.
      The first spike was from when I installed .NET 4.8 and rebooted the server (and can be safely ignored).
      The big drop corresponds approximately to the time shortly after I ran the "Prepare Toec Updates"

  • @maydayclutter said in Issues in 1.5.0:

    Software groups and reports based on Application name + version are broken. As a simple example:

    Looks like an issue, i'll check on it.

    The generated QR code for MFA has non-working parameters. The URI shows period=60 and algorithm=SHA512, but I could only get it to validate after changing them to period=30 and algorithm=SHA1 (same as leaving them off). Otherwise, it gives an error "Could Not Verify Code.".

    What authenticator are you using? I've tested with Google and Microsoft and both appear to work?

    This was pretty minor overall, but our server CPU usage pegged out until most of the clients updated.

    How many simultaneous connections to your com server do have set?

  • @theopenem_admin said in Issues in 1.5.0:

    The generated QR code for MFA has non-working parameters. The URI shows period=60 and algorithm=SHA512, but I could only get it to validate after changing them to period=30 and algorithm=SHA1 (same as leaving them off). Otherwise, it gives an error "Could Not Verify Code.".

    What authenticator are you using? I've tested with Google and Microsoft and both appear to work?

    Neither of those support the period or algorithm parameters (see https://github.com/google/google-authenticator/wiki/Key-Uri-Format#algorithm for Google; I don't have a link for Microsoft, but I have previously verified that it doesn't support them), so they default to 30 and SHA1.
    I've tested with both Aegis and AuthenticatorPro.

    This was pretty minor overall, but our server CPU usage pegged out until most of the clients updated.

    How many simultaneous connections to your com server do have set?

    It's on the default of 0 / Unlimited.

  • These are corrected in 1.5.2