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  • Is there a way (only found this software yesterday) to push non-executable files to remote clients?

    My goal with this ask is to be able to push project files from our Ignition lab server to our on site temp server(s) as we develop them so the site team can test them as we develop, and not have to develop ON the on site hardware/over a VPN. So ideally, I would have it monitor a folder on the lab server, and if it sees a file, it pushes it to the temp server, and triggers a script on the on site server to "load" the backup, and restart the gateway.

    Right now our process to deploy the next revision to a temp server is very slow, and awkward, as one of us in the office has to connect remotely to the on site hardware, and manually swap out the file, so we don't do it very often, and the site team gets annoyed, and complains a lot.

  • Not sure if I'm following you, but if you just want to push files, just use a file copy module.

  • @theopenem_admin I guess I was a little wordy. Basically, can the file copy module target a specific folder on the client machine?

    I see most of the rest of my ask is covered, just not the way I was thinking.

    Other thing would just be, is there a way I can set up an IFTTT style command to trigger a policy? IE it might not be a "once per x hours/days" kind of thing. Some days I could need this to trigger every 2 hours across a shift, and others I may not need it at all.

  • @palehbt I really need to slow down. I see the "destination", which I assume is the target location on the client.

  • It says it ran, but the file wasn't added to the target.
    "Name": "Ignition Backup Deploy",
    "Guid": "",
    "Hash": null,
    "Id": 2,
    "Frequency": 0,
    "Trigger": 2,
    "SubFrequency": 0,
    "StartDate": "2023-06-21T04:00:00",
    "CompletedAction": 0,
    "RemoveInstallCache": true,
    "ExecutionType": 0,
    "ErrorAction": 0,
    "IsInventory": 1,
    "RemoteAccess": 0,
    "IsLoginTracker": false,
    "IsApplicationMonitor": false,
    "JoinDomain": false,
    "DomainOU": null,
    "ImagePrepCleanup": false,
    "Order": 0,
    "FrequencyMissedAction": 0,
    "LogLevel": 0,
    "ReRunExisting": false,
    "SkipServerResult": false,
    "StartWindowScheduleId": -1,
    "EndWindowScheduleId": -1,
    "CommandModules": [],
    "FileCopyModules": [
    "Guid": "",
    "DisplayName": "Ignition Backup Deploy",
    "Destination": "C:\Users\Critical\Downloads",
    "Order": 0,
    "Unzip": false,
    "Overwrite": true,
    "Files": [
    "FileName": "",
    "FileHash": ""
    "ConditionFailedAction": 0,
    "ConditionNextOrder": 0,
    "Condition": {
    "Guid": null,
    "DisplayName": null,
    "Arguments": null,
    "Timeout": 0,
    "RedirectOutput": false,
    "RedirectError": false,
    "ScriptType": 0,
    "SuccessCodes": [],
    "WorkingDirectory": null,
    "RunAs": ""
    "PrinterModules": [],
    "ScriptModules": [],
    "SoftwareModules": [],
    "WuModules": [],
    "MessageModules": [],
    "WinPeModules": [],
    "WuType": 0,
    "PolicyComCondition": 0,
    "ConditionFailedAction": 0,
    "Condition": {
    "Guid": null,
    "DisplayName": null,
    "Arguments": null,
    "Timeout": 0,
    "RedirectOutput": false,
    "RedirectError": false,
    "ScriptType": 0,
    "SuccessCodes": [],
    "WorkingDirectory": null,
    "RunAs": ""

    I tried both an EXE, and a VPN config file, just to have a file to load. The file is uploaded to TOEMs. I blanked out the GUID/File name, but they seem to match the configured data fields. IE the GUID's look right, and the file name is correct.