Error deploing images on HP elitebook G11

  • Hello, this is my first post in this forum, I hope you can help me. We have just implemented Theopenem's solution in order to deply images in computers. We have done many tests and all have gone well in the computers we currently have, but we just received new HP Elitebook G11 computers and with these is being impossible to deploy images, currently, in the configuration we work with the ipxe snponly efi 64 bootloader, which so far had gone well, the kernel used is 6.14 (very recent), and the problem with the computers is that they freeze after the following lines appear:

    EFI stub: Loaded initdr from command line option

    We have tried to compile the snponly.efi by downloading from the ipxe website without success and we have tried any other type of combination with ipxe. We have also tried WinPE, and it seems to work ok, but it is not the option we need.

    thanks in advance.

  • There is a new 6.13.4x64-updated kernel available, can you give it a try?

  • @theopenem_admin

    Good morning, tested and works ok. We have found only one ‘anomaly’. When you boot the computer with a dock or NIC via USB, ipxe boots without problems but when it loads the kernel it only tries to assign IP via DHCP on eth0, which in case the computer has an internal NIC, causes it to retry several times without success. If the machine has only one NIC, it works without any problems. Thanks for the quick solution. I hope it will help to fix this problem in future kernel versions.

    Best regards.