We recently purchased bunch of Dell Latitude and Precision laptops that we're having trouble imaging. They are all set to AHCI/NVMe and Security Boot Disabled.
I've tried multiple USBs with different Kernels (4.20.10 to 5.17.3) and with "Secure Boot Support" disabled, but all result in the solid cursor in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

Using an old USB (Kernel 5.11.10x64), I get stuck with the following message:
Could Not Contact Theopenem Server. Possible Reasons:
The ClientImaging Web Service I Not Functioning.
Try Entering In A Web Browser.
A Driver Could Not Be Found For This NIC.
The Computer Did Not Receive An Ip Address.
Press Enter To Continue_
Testing that link in a web browser, I got the message "true."
I was eventually able to get the computer to image, but I had to use a USB to Ethernet adapter.
Is there a way I can image this computers without using the USB-Ethernet adapter?
Any ideas why these bootable USB's aren't working?