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Dashboard graph only showing last hour checkins

  • Hi,

    Appreciate the help you can offer here.
    I noticed that the default graph available on the dashboard only shows the last hour checkins of all my provisioned devices (see attached)
    I have my toec settings configured to checkin every hour, however this graph only reports the last hour of checkins all the time.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    toems_dashboard.PNG .

  • That's the way the graph is currently setup to work. It can be redesigned in a future update. That means that all of your computers have checked in, in the last hour. If you see any computers older than an hour, then they haven't checked in, in at least 2 hours.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for the update, much appreciated.
    So if I understand it correctly the axis for the past hours (2 - 12) will only rise if a device did not check in for that time?

    For my test environment, from which this graph was taken, I have 4 computers provisioned - 3 of those are online all the time, while the remaining 1 is powered down when not in use. However as you can see in the graph, it only reports the 3 devices.


  • It should show somewhere as long as it's not more than 12 hours.