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  • Thanks for the info. Can you set the Toec log level to debug?

    Toec.exe --logLevel DEBUG

    From program files\toec

    Restart the service, then attach the service.log file from program files\toec\logs

  • Here's the log file.
    For your information I did the following manipulations:
    toec --resetFull
    After uninstalling the toec client + deleting the toec directory in program files and programdata
    reboot and installation of the toec client
    It's been working ever since.
    Thank you

  • Hi
    I still have this Toec service crash problem
    The problem occurs about a week after the customer's installation.
    The OS is Windows 10 Pro FR 1909, 2004, 2009
    I put a console trace in copy
    Thank you

  • I'm thinking this probably has something to do with the language. Can you copy the effective policy for this computer and paste it here?

  • The computer is in Workgroup
    By copying the result file

  • Sorry, I meant the effective policy in Theopenem. If you search active computer and select view on the computer, in the menu you will see effective policy. But anyway, this is definitely related to the policy that monitors active processes, it is also being caused because of the difference in local. Example: U.S. date 12/14/20 is probably 14/12/20 for you, throwing the exception. I'll get a fix for this soon.

  • @theopenem_admin said in Service toec crash:

    Sorry, I meant the effective policy in Theopenem. If you search active computer and select view on the computer, in the menu you will see effective policy. But anyway, this is definitely related to the policy that monitors active processes, it is also being caused because of the difference in local. Example: U.S. date 12/14/20 is probably 14/12/20 for you, throwing the exception. I'll get a fix for this soon.

    Yes sorry I didn't understand
    Yes the date format is 14/12/20 for me.
    I attach the Effective Policy
    Effective Policy.txt

  • I believe I have this fixed, but I'll need to run some tests. It may be awhile before it makes it into the next release. In the mean time, you should be able to disable the application monitor on your inventory policy to temporarily work around it.

  • Ok thank you for finding this solution.
    I'll set it up and monitor and I'll make a return.

  • Bypass works thanks

  • This should be resolved now in 1.3.0

  • I'll test this quickly
    If I can help with testing or translation into French or other things, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    thank you