Thanks. 1.5.7 is behind schedule it's shaping up to be much larger than anticipated and facing some challenges. It's probably still a couple months away. Mainly just going through the forum and implementing suggestions.
Best posts made by theopenem_admin
RE: New versions on the horizon? (just curious)
RE: Reset Admin Password
You can run the following sql query to reset the toemsadmin user password back to the original value of toemsadmin
UPDATE `theopenem`.`toems_users` SET `toems_user_pwd`='ynR74SyWh73NxqzWQNpwsWzHJPOdmWJd1BgxuOxVd+4=', `toems_user_salt`='8Q+LD8za/YzoK7OuAlU8orXTpeu/YpCyNl0yNxEKinQzzfwjI4njKt4FANt74ZxR2D2G7N1QxsNpreLNfd3Dpg==' WHERE `toems_user_id`=1;
RE: Could Not Save Image Schema - 800+ GB Image
Yes, then in admin settings -> imaging client, enable upload / deploy direct to smb
RE: Toec x64 wizard error
That won't work. The second video of the getting started series talks about how to install the client.
RE: TOEC registration problem on not syspreped images
What version of Windows did you install Theopenem on?
RE: TOEC registration problem on not syspreped images
A few options:
Rebuild the image - Make sure you delete the program files\toec folder if it exists, otherwise install Toec, then run the --prepareImage, leaving Toec installed on the image.
Keep existing image - Delete program files\toec before installing again.
Keep existing image - Install Toec, then run --prepareImage and restart service
RE: TOEC registration problem on not syspreped images
The installation id is the only thing that matters. If 2 pc's have the same id, it's going to show the behavior you are describing. Are you certain that it's not already on the image? It's nearly impossible for 2 machines to have the same installation id. Here is the code for how it is generated.
UpdateDbSetting(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "installation_id");
It is basically randomly creating a guid upon installation. The guid is not based on anything on the computer such as hardware or sids.
I'm also not sure whats going on with your script. Is that how you are installing on the client or what you are trying to do to fix it?
RE: WEB UI problems
Understood. It was done this way because I didn't want a scroll bar on the main nav menu. So if the main nav menu can't fit on your screen then it switches to mobile.
RE: Theopenem bootable USB does not show console text
The security bug has been fixed and now Microsoft is signing the shim loader again. I'm waiting for the newest shim version of 15.5 to be released before I try to get it signed. I'm hoping to have this done as soon as possible but it's a pain.
RE: TOEC installed before or after imaging
It's fine to put it on the image but you must prepare it for image, or like you said the installation id will be the same on each machine.
From the docs:
Toec.exe --prepareImage
If you want to install Toec before capturing an image of the computer. You must run this prior to the last shutdown of the computer. Failure to run this will cause each client's installation id to be the same, preventing Toec from working properly.
You should be able to run that command on the machines that have already imaged in order to fix them also.
RE: DHCP Option 67
If you start the task from the web you should be able to cancel it after is seems frozen to get the log.
RE: Port Forwarding
Your approach is correct. Only open up port 8888 to allow the endpoints to communicate, keeping the ui and api locked down to just the internal network.
RE: Workstation registration
That's basically it. Install Toec and it's registered. Have you watched the videos?
RE: Toec generated msi not installing on clients
This was fixed in 1.3.2, no need to rename file. I would double check that you completed each section in
RE: TOEC crashes on login policy with impersonation
Impersonation only works when running as a service, won't work at login since it runs under that users context.
RE: Is adding rows to smart_group_queries to speed up dynamic criteria entry a bad idea?
There wouldn't be any way to do this currently. The next version will provide a way to write your own SQL queries.
RE: MariaDB "Too many connections"
I would start by increasing the memory available to Mariadb. You want it to be about 80% of your available memory to get as much of the working set into memory as possible.
In c:\program files\mariadb\data\my.ini
Change or add this line.
innodb_buffer_pool_size=12GBmake sure it's under the [mysqld] section and not the [client] section.
Then restart mariadb service.
RE: Policy File Caching
There is currently no way to do this. I can add an option to only cache the current policy, that way you can separate the message module to run first. It will take some time though as I don't have any updates planned at the moment.