@theopenem_admin Yeah, the IP is populated there. I was actually messing around and decided to put the IP into the multicast settings too and it starting working when I tested again.
Also another odd thing happened. It made records of the images I tried to create and since they were empty I just cleared them all out and deleted them from the images list in the web interface. After doing that, the next two times I tried to do an on demand upload it wouldn't give me the option to make a new image and just told me there were no images. Not sure what happened there but it worked on the 3rd try and I am now able to successfully upload and deploy. Barring any weird stability issues, its also possible it was weird input issues in my WMware box that I'm using for testing... sometimes the web console in vmware does strange things so maybe it hit enter twice instead of once bypassing the options for new or existing image
Perhaps your presence scared it into working for me? Sometimes IT work is a mystery haha. Anyways thanks for the ridiculously fast response. Still very confused why it started working though