Sysprep Answer File Not Found
@theopenem_admin Yes
are you uploading from hyper v?
@theopenem_admin No, I sysprep'ed the image on a desktop, had it shutdown. then booted to the theopenem USB client and selected "Upload"
Ok, sometimes people have the networking setup wrong with hyperv that can cause issues. Can you post the upload log?
Don't see anything that really stands out, other than file size looks strange? How much space is the image using on your hard drive?
@theopenem_admin Huh, now that you mention it it's only 21MB...Let me try uploading again.
@theopenem_admin After paying closer attention to the upload process, I noticed it was capturing from a volume on the bootable USB rather than the windows volume. Thoughts?
Are you sure, your logs don't indicate that is happening? Can you post the log from admin settings->logs->com server logs->multicast.log
@theopenem_admin It's possible I'm misunderstanding the output from the script. I'll try letting the upload complete and report back.
Ran into the same issue. -
At a loss here. Everything looks normal, it seems to me that during the upload, the process is stopping during the data transfer. They only thing that comes to mind is firewall.
@theopenem_admin I'll talk to our sysadmin team and see if the firewall might be blocking it.